My Korg EA1 I bought off of EBay arrived today...I've been waiting for this for a while. Anyway, This little guy can produce some awesome sounds and I cant wait to get into it. I opened it up and made sure it worked and took the pic so I haven't got to play with it more than about 10 min.
I have been looking for one of these for a while now. They seem to go for around 175 to 200 dollars (used) in the music stores around here but I lucked out and bid the highest on EBay for only 61 dollars! It was so cheap I thought it wasn't going to work when it got here. The only thing wrong with it was the master volume knob and power cord were missing. I bought a universal ac adapter at Best buy for 8 dollars and wallah. I don't really care about the volume knob, you can still turn it if you have to but I will probably set it and forget it anyway and use the mixer to control it's volume.
SO..... keep your eyes out on EBay when adding hardware or software to your studio, if you are patient enough you will strike gold.
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