OK I'm probably gonna get massacred by some people for being a PC guy.........waiting...waiting....cool, no gunfire.
I never used Macs before I got into PC's, as a matter of fact I didn't even own a computer until the last year of the super-awesome windows ME. (what an OS to start with huh)
My first experience on a computer was with the worst operating system ever made. The good thing was I had nothing to compare it to so it was all so new to me it was still great, hindsight is 20/20.
It was less than a year later when xp came out and I have probably touched a computer everyday of my life since then. I first got into computers because of art, not music. I had a friend who was a web designer and I saw him using Photoshop and that was it, I bought a PC soon after and in the 7 years that followed I have been at it full throttle and changed careers all because I saw someone move a person's head to another body. I now work on computers for a living and they are an everyday part of my life.
I remember the first time used a Mac. I was in a Photoshop 7 class I took at a local community college. I seriously had to have someone open Photoshop for me because I could not find the "START" button. Since then my job has made me have to use them on occasion so I'm not so bad with them anymore.
I got into music recording just last year and since I have been fixing PC's for 3 years I already knew a lot about them so I was not about to switch to Mac and relearn everything. When something breaks on my PC I know how to fix it. I can upgrade it with ease and as far as the price goes we all know it's a LOT cheaper than a G5.
Im not a closed minded, die hard PC nut so I started doing research online to see if there was some super underground secret I didn't know about Macs that made graphic design and home recording a breeze. I was thinking if I found one I could tell my wife how I had to have one because I cant do whatever with my PC. I looked forever. Websites,blogs,forums. I found many stories telling the pros and cons of both but most were just opinions and I could not find one strong enough to let me part with 3 thousand dollars.
So, I did what anyone would do. I went to a friend who worked at the local Mac dealer and asked his opinion. He did his job and told me how great they were and how they were made for the kind of stuff I do. He told me that everything is right where you think it should be and they are way easier to work than a PC. That might be true if you were not a windows user and had not already trained yourself that the "x" was in the upper right hand corner.
I must admit, when I saw the G series desktops the look alone makes you want one. They are a beautiful machine to look at. I was also impressed with the whole "swishy" feel of the 'OS.
I still wasn't sure so I told him I didn't know what I was going to do so my friend said "why don't you borrow my Mac book for a week, I'm gonna be outta town anyway". I took him up on the offer. I took the laptop home and put my PC away for a while.
I will say at first it was cool simply because it was new to me but soon the newness wore off and then the frustration set in of not knowing how to do everything. I loaded Ableton live on it and started playing with garage band a little too. After all was said and done I was like YUP....you can record music on these too. I honestly did not see any reason to go drop 3 g's on a new box, buy a new sound card,new software, AND deal with relearning a new OS. I'm sure the Macs work great for recording and graphics. I'm sure they don't get many viruses if any (if I were a virus writer I would target 90% of the population too) All in all they are awesome machines but my whole issue was "what can they do that I cant do with my PC" and I didn't find anything out there significant enough to make me switch.
So for now I'm gonna stick with my PC (and some good spyware protection of course). Maybe someday Ill buy one just to have one but I see no real reason to cross over at the moment.
I would love to read your comments about this, remember I am new to home recording and I don't know a lot about Macs so
I could be missing the big picture. Maybe there will be some comments that could change my opinion.
I never used Macs before I got into PC's, as a matter of fact I didn't even own a computer until the last year of the super-awesome windows ME. (what an OS to start with huh)
My first experience on a computer was with the worst operating system ever made. The good thing was I had nothing to compare it to so it was all so new to me it was still great, hindsight is 20/20.
It was less than a year later when xp came out and I have probably touched a computer everyday of my life since then. I first got into computers because of art, not music. I had a friend who was a web designer and I saw him using Photoshop and that was it, I bought a PC soon after and in the 7 years that followed I have been at it full throttle and changed careers all because I saw someone move a person's head to another body. I now work on computers for a living and they are an everyday part of my life.
I remember the first time used a Mac. I was in a Photoshop 7 class I took at a local community college. I seriously had to have someone open Photoshop for me because I could not find the "START" button. Since then my job has made me have to use them on occasion so I'm not so bad with them anymore.
I got into music recording just last year and since I have been fixing PC's for 3 years I already knew a lot about them so I was not about to switch to Mac and relearn everything. When something breaks on my PC I know how to fix it. I can upgrade it with ease and as far as the price goes we all know it's a LOT cheaper than a G5.
Im not a closed minded, die hard PC nut so I started doing research online to see if there was some super underground secret I didn't know about Macs that made graphic design and home recording a breeze. I was thinking if I found one I could tell my wife how I had to have one because I cant do whatever with my PC. I looked forever. Websites,blogs,forums. I found many stories telling the pros and cons of both but most were just opinions and I could not find one strong enough to let me part with 3 thousand dollars.
So, I did what anyone would do. I went to a friend who worked at the local Mac dealer and asked his opinion. He did his job and told me how great they were and how they were made for the kind of stuff I do. He told me that everything is right where you think it should be and they are way easier to work than a PC. That might be true if you were not a windows user and had not already trained yourself that the "x" was in the upper right hand corner.
I must admit, when I saw the G series desktops the look alone makes you want one. They are a beautiful machine to look at. I was also impressed with the whole "swishy" feel of the 'OS.
I still wasn't sure so I told him I didn't know what I was going to do so my friend said "why don't you borrow my Mac book for a week, I'm gonna be outta town anyway". I took him up on the offer. I took the laptop home and put my PC away for a while.
I will say at first it was cool simply because it was new to me but soon the newness wore off and then the frustration set in of not knowing how to do everything. I loaded Ableton live on it and started playing with garage band a little too. After all was said and done I was like YUP....you can record music on these too. I honestly did not see any reason to go drop 3 g's on a new box, buy a new sound card,new software, AND deal with relearning a new OS. I'm sure the Macs work great for recording and graphics. I'm sure they don't get many viruses if any (if I were a virus writer I would target 90% of the population too) All in all they are awesome machines but my whole issue was "what can they do that I cant do with my PC" and I didn't find anything out there significant enough to make me switch.
So for now I'm gonna stick with my PC (and some good spyware protection of course). Maybe someday Ill buy one just to have one but I see no real reason to cross over at the moment.
I would love to read your comments about this, remember I am new to home recording and I don't know a lot about Macs so
I could be missing the big picture. Maybe there will be some comments that could change my opinion.
1 comment:
in honesty, there is no difference, if you can work your way around a pc, and its efficient there is no reason to switch, i run two pc's with a kvm switch, one dedicated just to audio recording, and one for my online browsing, this way i know i cant get virus's or spyware on my audio computer, i have 4gb of ram being thats the max windows xp can recognize, i choose not to go to vista reason being, not all audio programs are supported on it. Mac's are cool, but for a person thats used to PC, and knows there way around a pc, a pc is fine for audio recording also check out, www.musicxp.net, nice ways to tweak your machine to make it run even smoother.
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