I ran across this at a garage sale about three houses down from my house. I really did not even know what it was except for the fact that it had something to do with turntables and it was a usb device so it would hook to a PC somehow. I asked them how much they wanted for it and they said 10 dollars. I then asked them if they had the software for it to which they said "whats that" and I said the disc.....long pause.......the CD....longer pause......the DVD. Ohhhh!, no we don't have that anymore, will it work without it? how about 5 dollars? Anyway I got it for 5 dollars, got it home and plugged it into my xp machine and what do ya know, no auto recognize. I didn't think it would but it was worth a try right.
I figured that would be an easy fix right, just go to the manufactures website and get the drivers like every other normal company in the world, no need to finish this sentence huh? It took me over a week of looking on forums and different sites to find a copy of the original software that came with this thing. I finally found a torrent on a forum and it was almost dead with one seeder (thank you unknown seeder whom we will never know who you are, you still rock) it took a week to get the thing downloaded. So I finally got it downloaded and burnt to disc and started playing with it and for a toy(which it turned out to be btw) its was pretty cool but none the less at the end of the day it was still a toy. You could scratch and make some little prefab beats and save them to their own little format for the mixman software and stuff. My kid loves it, but like I said from a musicians standpoint I would call it a toy.
I put it up on my little shelf where I put all of my older drum machines and other stuff that I don't play anymore but I still think look cool just laying around my studio on display. (cmon, you know you do that too) It set there for a month or two and I was looking around the net one day and somehow ran across a website called dm2.proboards23.com.
This website had a whole forum of Mixman DM2 users who used the hacked software called DM2 to midi. It turned the DM2 into a midi controller! I grabbed that thing off the shelf quicker than lager turns to pipì.
I had this thing triggering Ableton live in no time. I used it for about a month and it was pretty cool. Here is Mixmans website if you wanna check them out. I don't know if I would say it something to buy at retail price but pretty cool if you run across a deal like I did or some sweet eBay action. I also found a direct link to get the DM2 to midi software.
Could you possibly upload a link to that software? I lost the CD and sold it to someone who wants it now.
I started a blog to facilitate this by exposing the recordings for feedback, but unfortunately most of the friends I’ve floated it along to don’t really have an ear for details around mixing and production. My mixes are getting better, but they just don’t quite get there.
pc recording studio
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